TDS Compliances

Mandatory to deduct tax

Under the Income-tax Act, every person making payment or crediting income of specified types to another person is required to deduct a specific proportion of amount payable/creditable at the time of making payment or giving credit, whichever is earlier and deposit the sum so deducted. However, no TDS has to deducted if the person making the payment is an individual or HUF whose books are not required to be audited.

Payments requiring tax deduction at source

Section 200 of the Act specifies a list of payments which require deduction of tax at source. From the viewpoint of Voluntary Organisations, the following are the important payments, in respect of which tax must be deducted at source for the previous year 2023-24 (AY 2024-25) .

Income Tax Slab – Tax Rates

OLD Tax Regime – Income Tax Rates


Tax Slabs

Individuals (Age < 60 Years)

Senior Citizens (Age > 60 but < 80 Years)

Super Senior Citizens (Age 80 Years and above)


Up to Rs.2,50,000





Rs.2,50,001 to Rs.3,00,000





Rs.3,00,001 to Rs.5,00,000





Rs.5,00,001 to Rs.10,00,000





Above Rs.10,00,000





NEW Tax Regime u/s 115BAC


Tax Slabs

Tax Rates


Up to Rs.3,00,000



Rs.3,00,001 to Rs.6,00,000

5% (Tax rebate u/s 87A)


Rs.6,00,001 to Rs.9,00,000

10% (Tax rebate u/s 87A up to Rs.7 lakh)


Rs.9,00,001 to Rs.12,00,000



Rs.12,00,001 to Rs.15,00,000



Above Rs.15,00,000



Other important payments on which TDS is required to be deducted, and rated thereon:

S.No Nature of payments Section Basic Cut off TDS rates for
Individual and HUF Other than Individual/ HUF If PAN is not submitted/ Invalid PAN
1 Payment to Contractors ,Advertisement /Sub Contractor , Payment to Transporter 194C 30,000.00 (Single bill) or 75,000.00 aggregate bills during the year. 1% 2% 20%
2 Insurance Commission 194D 15,000 5% 10% 20%
3 Commission/Brokerage 194H 15,0000 5% 5% 20%
4 Rent-property 194I 240,000 10% 10% 20%
5 Rent-Plant / Machinery 194I 240,000 2% 2% 20%
6 Professional Fees 194J 30,000 10% 10% 20%
7 Cash withdrawal 194N 1 crore NIL 2% (Banking Co., Cooperative Society & Post Office are liable to deduct )

Deposit of tax deducted at source

The tax deducted at source is required to be deposited to the credit of the Central Government within the stipulated time limit. Whenever, TDS is deposited assesse should quote TAN. Such deposit can be made by following modes:

1) Electronic mode (mandatory for):

2) Physical Mode: By furnishing the Challan 281 in the authorized bank branch.

The time limit for depositing the amount of TDS is as under:

  • For salary: by 7th of next month except for the month of March where the due date is 30th of April.
  • For other payments: by 7th of next month except for the month of March where the due date is 30th of April.

TDS return

All organisations responsible for deduction of tax at source are mandatorily required to submit to the prescribed income tax authority a return(s) within a stipulated period after the end of the quarter/financial year. The relevant return form and the month by which it should be filed are as under:

TDS Return Form Time Limit
Salaries Form 24Q 31st July, 31st October, 31st January, 31st May
Contractors Form 26Q 31st July, 31st October, 31st January, 31st May
Rent Form 26Q 31st July, 31st October, 31st January, 31st May
Professional / Technical Services Form 26Q 31st July, 31st October, 31st January, 31st May
Payment to NR except salary Form 27Q 31st July, 31st October, 31st January, 31st May
TDS on sale of property Form 26QB 30 days from the end of the month in which TDS is deducted
Audit Report Form 10B / 10BB (As applicable)      September 30th
Annual Return Form ITR-7 October 31st 

Issue of certificate

Under section 203, the organisation deducting TDS is required to issue a certificate to the person from whose income, tax has been deducted. This certificate will enable the person to claim credit for such tax deducted in his/her return of income. Organisations can prepare the certificate in their own stationery but in the prescribed form. Following are the forms that required to be issued:

Certificate of Form Frequency Due Date
TDS on Salary payment Form 16 Yearly 15th June
TDS on non-salary payments Form 16A Quarterly 15 days from due date of filing return
TDS on sale of property Form 16B Every Transaction 15 days from due date of filing return
TDS on Rent Form 26Q Every Transaction 15 days from due date of filing return

Consequences of non- compliance of various provisions

Disallowance of expenditure

Section 40a(ia) of Act provides that, failure to make deduction at source from payment of specified nature or failure to make payment to the account of the Central Government on or before due dates specified in section 139(1), attracts disallowance 30% of such payments in the hands of the payer. Deduction of such sum is, however, allowed in the computation of income if tax is deducted, or after deduction, paid in any subsequent year in computing the income of that year.

Payment of specified nature includes, “commission or brokerage, fees for technical services, professional services, work, rent and payment of royalty”.

Interest, Penalties & Punishment

Failure to deduct income-tax at source on various payments as discussed may attract interest, penalty and even severe punishment.

  • If an organisation does not deduct tax the tax then interest @ 1% per month would be levied on the tax not deducted from the date on which such tax was deductible to the date on which such tax is deducted, under section 201(1A).
  • If an organisation does not paid the amount deducted then interest @ 1.5% for every month or part of a month on the amount of such tax from the date on which such tax was deducted to the date on which such tax is actually paid 201(1A).
  • The Income Tax Department may also levy penalties to the extent of the amount of tax not deducted in cases of failure to deduct tax, under section 271C.
  • A fine of Rs 200 per day is required to be paid if the returns required to be furnished under section 206 are not filed. This amount has to be paid for each day till the default continues but total shall not exceed TDS amount deductible.
  • If the tax is deducted but not deposited in favour of the Central Government as per the provisions of the Income-Tax Act, then the principal officer can be punished with imprisonment for a period of 3 month to 7 years with fine.
  • If the returns required to be furnished under section 206 are not filed then a penalty of Rs. 100 per day may be imposed for each day of default, under section 272A. However, the assessing officer shall give an opportunity of being heard before imposing the penalty under this section
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